We believe in a bright and inclusive tomorrow for everyone. Despite challenges and current skyrocketing inflationary costs, the J remains committed to being accessible, meeting community needs, and providing exceptional programs and services. Our scholarship program provides financial support so that no one is left out.
Become a Monthly Donor
Monthly donations provide reliable support for continued childcare, education, inclusion and a variety of much needed programs for our community.
Tributes + Memorial Gifts
Gifts in tribute to or in memory of friends, colleagues, and loved ones are a special way to honor their commitment to our community. To make a tribute gift, please call: 604-257-5111.
A Gift in Your Will
Leave a legacy. Remembering the JCC with a planned gift is a way of giving that is thoughtful, generous and supports the JCC’s commitment to provide impactful cultural, recreational, educational and social activities to our community.
For more information about leaving a gift in your will, other types of planned gifts such as endowment funds, or if you have already left us a gift in your will, please contact Betty Hum at betty@jccgv.bc.ca
Gifts of Securities
Donating appreciated stocks, mutual funds or stock options means you pay no tax on the capital gains and receive a tax receipt for the fair market value of the securities. This alternative to making a cash donation gives you the opportunity to see your gift put to use today.
For further information, please contact Betty Hum at betty@jccgv.bc.ca
Matching Gifts
Many businesses and organizations support the charitable efforts of their employees and members by matching their philanthropic gifts. Check with your human resources department to determine whether your workplace offers matching of gifts.
Questions or for more ways to donate, contact Betty Hum, Director of Development at betty@jccgv.bc.ca