EARLY BIRD SPECIAL: Save 5% if registered before February 28.
Ben Horev, Camp Shalom Director
At Camp Shalom, we believe every child deserves the chance to experience a Jewish camp where they can form lifelong friendships and create unforgettable memories. To support this mission, we have updated our Campership application process to help reduce financial barriers and provide opportunities for those who may not otherwise have access.
We have provided all the necessary information for our Campership applications below. Our goal is to maintain transparency, making the application process as accessible as possible for those in need of assistance.
Once you have read through the information below, you may proceed to the Camp Shalom Campership 2025 Application.
Income Thresholds: Camp Shalom uses income thresholds as a first step in determining eligibility for financial assistance. However, we understand that not all financial struggles can be calculated this way and thus recommend all who feel they need assistance should apply. Income information we are looking for: NET Income, Other household income, Dividends and Interest, Alimony and Child Support, Real Estate Income, Unemployment Insurance, Other Monthly Income.
Expenses: Included in our calculations, we will also be asking about your expenses. Please have the following information ready when submitting your application. Rent or Mortgage, Utilities, Medical Expenses and Premiums, Loan Payments, Child Care, School/College tuition, Congregational dues, other monthly expenses.
Discretion: All campership grants are awarded solely at the discretion of our campership committee, which reserves the right to consider various factors, including lifestyle choices when determining the amount of any campership grant awarded.
How are camperships funded?
Camperships are funded entirely through the generosity of grants and donations.
How are camperships awarded?
Camperships provide a fee reduction based on your family’s financial need, which is determined by income, assets and expenses.
Do you have a breakdown of income, assets and expense levels to help me determine if I am eligible?
We know how important it is for you to understand your eligibility. By following this link, you can uncover the category that best fits your situation. If you decide to apply, please know that you’re not alone in this process, and we’re here to help you along the way.
How are you factoring in the cost of Jewish living into your assessment?
Our mission is to ensure that your dedication to providing your child with a rich Jewish upbringing will never limit your ability to send them to camp. We thoroughly assess all dimensions of Jewish life in our evaluations, empowering families to fully engage in the diverse experiences that Jewish life offers, including Jewish day camp.
Who makes the campership decisions?
Campership applications are thoroughly reviewed and decisively evaluated by our Campership Committee. We uphold stringent privacy protocols throughout the application process and are committed to maintaining your confidentiality with the highest level of care.
When do applications for camperships open? When do applications for camperships close?
Campership Application forms will be available on February 3rd. The deadline for submitting your application is March 31, 2025.
Do I need to pay anything up front before applying?
Yes, There is a small non-refundable deposit you will need to pay when applying. For each Program code you are applying for you will need to pay $25. This deposit will be applied to your final camp payment. If you are applying for numerous programs, you can reach out and we can reduce the rate. Please note that if you are applying for a “Full Summer Combo” the deposit will be for $125.
Please put the deposit amount on the registration form when you submit it instead of the full price.
What documents will I need to complete my campership application?
What if I am separated or divorced from the camper’s other parent or guardian?
We require only one application per camper. Parents may choose to submit their financial statements together or separately. Please be assured that the information provided will not be shared with the other parent. Each guardian will be evaluated individually based on their income and the portion of the fees they are responsible for.
If I was approved in previous years, am I guaranteed to receive a campership this year?
Camperships are awarded on an annual basis, and we kindly encourage applicants to apply each year. Additionally, please note that any changes in your family’s financial situation may influence the availability of camperships in subsequent years.
My income is above your thresholds and I am unlikely to receive a campership but I really do need the help. What can I do?
We recognize that our thresholds may not cover every unique situation that can affect a family’s financial circumstances. If you believe your family has specific needs that warrant special consideration, we encourage you to submit an application for our review.
Now that you have read through the information above, you may proceed to the Camp Shalom Campership 2025 Application.
Please remember to fill the JCC Registration Form online HERE and submit it with your application.
(Ages: 5-11) | SESSION 1 Mar 17-Mar 21 (5 Classes) |
SESSION 2 Mar 24-Mar 28 (5 Classes) |
9:00am-3:30pm | D3501SC M$385.00 / R$400.00 |
D3502SC M$385.00 / R$400.00 |
AFTER CARE 3:30pm – 6:00pm |
B5320AC M$135.00 / R$175.00 |
B5321AC M$135.00 / R$175.00 |
(Ages: 5-11) | SESSION 1 April 7 – 11 (5 Classes) |
SESSION 2 April 15 – 17 (3 Classes) |
9:00am-3:30pm | D3501PC M$385.00 / R$400.00 |
D3502PC M$231.00 / R$240.00 |
AFTER CARE 3:30pm – 6:00pm |
B5322AC M$135.00 / R$175.00 |
B5323AC M$81.00 / R$105.00 |
Choose a morning camp, or a full day camp.
(Ages: 5-12)
Instructor: Zohar Hagbi
Develop your imagination and curiosity through different painting techniques and art materials. 60 minutes of fun with music, paint and lots of inspiration.
Monday – Friday 9:30am – 12:30pm
Apr 07-Apr 11 (5 Classes)
Member $294.00 / Regular $315.00 D3505PC
Tuesday – Thursday 9:30am – 12:30pm
Apr 15-Apr 17 (3 Classes)
Member $176.00 / Regular $189.00 D3506PC
(Ages: 8-13)
Instructor: Film in a Box
Fill your week with action, adventure and a comedy with this movie making camp. Mentored by master filmmakers, campers will work in small crews to learn about cinematography, script writing and editing. Campers will then create, act in and edit a short film and movie trailer. Participants will have the opportunity to use our latest technology, including Mac books, 4K cameras, tripods, boom microphones, green screens and the use of an aerial drone. Movies will be presented at our red carpet, popcorn film festival and archived on our digital theatre.
Monday – Friday 9:00am – 3:30pm
Apr 07-Apr 11 (5 Classes)
Member $270.00 / Regular $285.00 D3504PC
Tuesday – Thursday 9:00am – 3:30pm
Apr 15-Apr 17 (3 Classes)
Member $162.00 / Regular $177.00 D3504PC
K – Grade 7
Click on the Program code to REGISTER
PRO-D DAY 9:00am-3:30pm |
AFTER CARE 3:30- 6:00pm |
Feb 14 VSB |
D3507PD M$77.00 / R$85.00 |
D5307AC M$33.00 / R$38.00 |
Feb 18 VTT / RJDS/VHA |
D3508PD M$77.00 / R$85.00 |
D5308AC M$33.00 / R$38.00 |
D3509PD M$77.00 / R$85.00 |
D5309AC M$33.00 / R$38.00 |
Mar 28 VTT |
D3510PD M$77.00 / R$85.00 |
D5310AC M$33.00 / R$38.00 |
April 28 VSB |
D3513PD M$77.00 / R$85.00 |
D5313AC M$33.00 / R$38.00 |
D3511PD M$77.00 / R$85.00 |
D5311AC M$33.00 / R$38.00 |
Provided by Club J, Contact Denise Scharen: clubj@jccgv.bc.ca
3:30- 6:00pm
RJDS – Richmond Jewish Day School
VTT – Vancouver Talmud Torah
VHA – Vancouver Hebrew Academy
LEB – L’Ecole Bilingue
VSB – Vancouver School Board
CAMP HOURS 9:00am-3:30pm |
BONIM (Ages: 5-7) |
TZOFIM (Ages: 7-9) |
HALUTZIM (Ages: 9-13) |
AFTER CARE 3:30pm – 5:30pm |
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